Archive for April, 2015
April 23rd, 2015 at 12:30 pm
The Susan Lanci philosophy is to always be fashionably timeless with superb quality and function. The Susan Lanci Cuddle Cups stay true to the philosophy with a product that is multi-functional and classical stylish for any small dog and a number one must have accessory.

Fold side for a bed.

For dogs who prefer to be wrapped.
The Cuddle Cup is versatile having the option to be used as a throw for a quick nap, pull out the inner lining material and lay flat, or for dogs who prefer to tunnel, can snuggle inside for comfort and with the sides folded is the perfect dog bed at the end of the day. Any doggy princess will be delighted to have the Susan Lanci Cuddle Cup and with over 15 styles to choose the perfect pattern is available to show off their captivating personality.

April 21st, 2015 at 10:10 am
Photo prints, bright solids and fun patterns have always been known in summer fashion and Funny Fur now offers the same selection to your furbaby.

Wooflink Pastels
While Wooflink has pastels that will go great on any color coat, they also have jewelry worked into certain looks which gives more glam and style.

Zack and Zoey Ombre
Zack and Zoey, along with Casual Canine offer lightweight dresses and shorts with fun patterns and bright colors that go perfect for the trip to the beach.

Isaac Mizrahi
From Zack and Zoey, Isaac Mizrahi, Wooflink and Casual Canine Funny Fur has brought in new spring and summer looks ready to wear out of the store. Get inspired and stay ahead of the pack with these looks that are sure to be a head turner no matter what summer plans are in store for you and your furbaby.

April 14th, 2015 at 1:02 pm
If owners could choose one skill their dog had to know, it would to be housebroken. Whether teaching a small puppy or an older dog here are some tips that could help with ensuring an impactful training.
If the dog is not housebroken it is best to keep them confined to one area of the house and should not roam freely until housebroken. Preferably, keep the dog in an area where messes are easier to clean up like a crate or area closed off by a gate. Puppies younger than 10-12 weeks might not be able to hold their urine and pee pads can be used until they get older. Once your pup is old enough be sure to train puppies to use the potty outside otherwise they will understand that it is ok to use the potty inside all the time, and no one wants to be the owner who has to carry pee pads to yappy hour.

When in the process of potty training here are a few do’s and don’ts that can be very helpful.
Do praise your dog with a walk or pat, but the act itself is the best praise as the dog will associate the feeling of relieving their bladder to the act. Don’t use treats because it can interrupt the act and the dog will then just focus on the food and wait later to potty.
Do stop your dog the moment you see them urinating where they aren’t supposed. Catching your dog in the moment will teach them that behavior is not acceptable and then take them immediately outside. Don’t scold your dog 5 minutes later if you find urine stains, because in a dogs’ mind they understand you are mad at the urine stain and might just pick another location in your home to potty. A loud clap or noise maker works great to startle your dog to stop in the moment.
Do use scheduled feeding and potty times so your dog will better understand when they should relieve themselves and once your dog becomes more familiar with what you want after feeding time the wait won’t be so long, and you can get back to Real Housewives. Don’t wait too long after feeding to take your dog outside, about 10 minutes after feeding should work.
There are definitely more tips to helping potty train your pooch, but we want to hear from you about what worked or didn’t work in your training.

April 7th, 2015 at 3:02 pm

Benefits of Consistent Dog Grooming
There are many benefits for keeping your pup clean and pristine whether from the groomers’ or giving some time to your furbaby. Just like humans, dogs need a good grooming routine  to ensure the best overall health and help prolong life. When grooming, it’s a quiet bonding time experience between owner and pet and helps you become more familiar with your pets body which will help to catch and prevent any health problems. Not only does grooming improve a pet’s overall health of skin and coat, but it also lowers stress levels for puppies and for us, too. Along with a great smelling pet, regular grooming will help keep dog odor and fur shedding to a minimal inside your car or home. If new to grooming, be sure to have a great attitude, lots (and I mean lots) of patience, and plenty of treats to create a positive experience for your pet. Be sure to stop grooming if it becomes a battle with your pet and return to it later when things are calm again. Of course if your pet requires more detailed cleaning a professional groomer is always best. We would love to hear about your grooming experiences and how your pup likes being taken care of, so please comment below.

April 2nd, 2015 at 1:52 pm
Canine dental hygiene is very important in the health of your dog and proper dental care for a dog can combat bad breath, plaque and gum disease which affects your dogs’ overall health. In order to keep a healthy mouth you must brush your dogs’ teeth once a day but sometimes we may not have the time to sit and scrub every tooth or as new owners might not even know where to begin.

All the items you need to keep your pup’s teeth healthy.
When brushing your dogs’ teeth it is important to have the proper tools for the job. Start off with the best toothpaste, for us there are many formulas to choose from but in the dog world having pet specific toothpaste with a nice flavor will do the trick. Do not use human toothpaste because dogs tend to swallow a lot of the paste during brushing and human toothpaste will upset their stomach. After choosing the toothpaste it is time to find the perfect toothbrush and there are a few that are best for certain breeds. In our video we go over the benefits of the different toothbrushes and how they work for dogs.
Once you have the tools for cleaning it is important to have your dog comfortable with fingers in the mouth so they don’t get startled and bite on your hand. For beginners, it is best to first rub their teeth with peanut butter or something sweet so they associate brushing as a positive thing. You want to do this several days in a row and follow up with treats. When your dog is comfortable with fingers entering the mouth now introduce the brush with toothpaste by first letting your dog lick the brush to get use to the texture and gently rub the teeth and gums. Again do this several days in a row with treats and praise.
When your dog is comfortable with the toothbrush against the tooth, you can start brushing regularly. First gently hold back your dogs’ lip and start brushing at a slight angle to the gumline, brushing a few teeth at a time. Brush the outside of the teeth, gently moving back and forth, be sure to speak to your dog in a soothing tone and always follow up with a treat. Over time you can lengthen the session to gradually be able to clean all teeth in one sitting. Be sure to watch our video for a live demonstration of how to clean your dogs’ teeth and more detail over all the products available to you.